Street Art in Stockport and Macclesfield

A Townscape Heritage Project in Stockport is commissioning new street art in the Underbanks district. The artworks are jointly funded by Underbanks Stockport, the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Cheshire Wildlife Trust and Totally Stockport (, who have organised and are publicising the project. Totally Stockport is a non-profit district improvement organisation, working with Stockport Council. The illustrations here are just the beginning, with more artworks to come.

The mural of Ian Curtis was comissioned by the Macclesfield Town Centre Strategic Regeneration Framework and supported by Cheshire East Council...street art supported by a council - how times change?!

Hover your cursor over each thumbnail for information, then click on the thumbnails to access the enlarged image on its own page.   Hit the BACK button to return to the thumbnails

